Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My own weight loss goals...

I couldn't let the Hive Queen get all the glory by showing off her weight loss, I need to get mine in there too.

I started about a week ago at 281 pounds, which is fine if you are 8 feet tall, but I am not (sadly, otherwise I would be the most famous basketball player in the world). I weighed in last night at 273, so I lost 8 pounds in my first week.

I am doing the following:

Legendary Abs routine. I have worked my way all the way up to level A if you can believe that!

Body For Life weight lifting routine. I like Legendary Abs and Body for Life because they are pretty short, but effective. And heaven knows we all have tons of time every day to put in a 4 hour workout.

Treadmill 20 min, 2X per week and 60 min, 2X per week. This is actually a modified version of the 20 min routine recommended in the Body for Life exercise regimen. I mix it up between going fast on a low incline and going relatively slow on a steep incline. I like the steep incline better as I feel it more in my glutes. HAH!

So stay tune as I recapture my girlish figure. Pictures may follow. View them at your own risk. I will probably have to post an indemnity waiver with the pics.

1 comment:

Superstar said...

You go Daddy!!! Lose that weight! I'm gonna be your cheerleader! "L-O-S-E lose that weight you fat old flea!!!" does that help?