Friday, July 25, 2008

Pride, the Universal Sin

Again, it is late; not nearly as late as usual. It is only 10:45pm. Chad and I went out to dinner tonight with his parents. We try to do a "double date" with them at least once a month. It has been quite awhile because we have been so busy trying to fix up our yard this summer. I know, that is a lame excuse to not spend time with family. Anyway, we had a good time. We always do. I can honestly say, they are our best friends.

Chad is being so faithful following Weight Watchers. He has lost 20 pounds and two pants sizes. We saved all our bonus points to go out to dinner tonight. We went to Chinese. One of our favorite places is PF Changs. This was a small restaurant similar to PFChangs called the Mandarin. We love lettuce wraps...anything seafood...well, and I guess, we pretty much like it all when it comes to chinese food.

I, on the other hand, have been fairly discouraged. I have been working out so hard at the gym and following my 22 points a day faithfully...and the weight is just i-n-c-h-i-n-g off for me. I have only lost a few pounds in the time Chad has lost 20. I guess it is true what "they" say. Once you hit 40 years old, your metabolism really s-l-o-w-s down and losing weight is hard work. We'll see on Monday morning when I weight in what the true verdict is...
( I want to put some of those words in bold or caps to emphasize them, but there is this lady that writes a make-believe blog to make fun of mormon women bloggers and now I am too embarrassed to blog the way I want to...Stupid, I know. Who cares what she thinks. She's being pretty cynical, if you ask me. Personally, I think if women want to talk about how wonderful their lives are and their husbands are, sobeit. There are too many out there that don't even make an effort to make their lives happy and joyful. So, kudos to all you women out there trying to be happy when life can be (and often is) so very hard.) For those of you wondering what all this jibberish is, go check out this blog site. My husband thinks it is hilarious. And, as I have so obviously stated, I disagree with him. Who knows. Maybe I am being too uptight. If so, sorry. That was just my first impression. Anyway, this is the site:

As a side note, Chad read over my 'opinion' of this make-believe blog and told me that I completely misunderstood her point. He said she is not making fun of people who are happy (or trying to be happy). He said she is making fun of people who try to one-up their neighbor. For example, you know, "Well, you think your husband is so great and successful! MY husband is a doctor, a lawyer, the bishop, AND serves as a volunteer firefighter!" So, if that is the case, I guess our pride should be made fun of. Pride is the universal sin. So, again, sorry. That was just my first impression...maybe I am the one who is cynical...hee hee. That is what 'not getting enough chocolate AND not losing weight' can do to a woman. (smile and wink) See ya'll later when I am down a few pounds and less moody. (See, I am prideful too...yurk) ha ha!

1 comment:

LogGrad98 said...

Sorry, but I think Seriously So Blessed is absolutely hillarious. It is not so much "making fun" as it is "poking fun". The difference between "jeez, yer blonde so you are stupid" and a blonde joke. One of them is aimed at a person, the other aimed at a stereotype. And I defy any mormon, previous mormon, or even regular blogophile to tell me they don't know someone like that. If we can't laugh at ourselves, what can we laugh at?