Thursday, July 10, 2008


Alas...My weight loss efforts are not nearly as successful as they have been in the past. Chad says I don't have the motivation I had before. (My 20 year class reunion). What he is failing to achknowledge is his wife's PRIDE. I DO have the motivation...I have a family reunion in three short weeks! hee hee. BUT, for some reason, it is not enough. I have truly given my all to this effort for two weeks and have not lost a pound.

My husband, (the creep), has lost 11 pounds (or more).

Today I walked three miles. I am training for a 5K in September with some ladies from my church. I have never done anything like that and I am kind of excited. I don't think I am interested in tackling a marathon or anything remotely close, but I can handle a 5K...hee hee.

Chad and I work out at the gym most days, but once a week I train with the ladies in my ward. Some days I walk to our Wal-mart, buy groceries, and then Chad picks me up. Our Wal-mart is 2.7 miles away. Not too shabby.

Emily did an aerobics class with me a few days ago when Chad had to work late. It was STINK'N HARD, but I loved it. It was especially nice just spending time with my daughter doing something that is good for both us. That same day, while Em and I were exercising, the other kids were down at the pool so following our workout, I got in the pool with the other kids. I LOVE activities with my family that are active and healthy! It makes me feel good...and it is FUN.

Speaking of 'healthy and fun' family activities, today we toured Wheeler Historic Farm in Salt Lake. That was very cool. And a few weeks ago, we toured the Utah Pioneer Historical 'Village'...and loved it so much, we purchased a family pass. I will post pictures from both fun activities at a later date.

As usual, it is LATE when I am posting so I am too tired so scroll through hundreds of, but...yurk...Too much work tonight...maybe tomorrow while kiddos nap. Well, I need to put my little darlings to bed. Duncan is spending the night with a friend. Jordan was watching TV, Annie has been at the park next door, and Emily just got home from a Raptor's baseball game.

Tomorrow and Saturday, we are rotatilling (sp?) our flower beds and our garden area. So much for a garden this year. Oh year definitely.

In the words of "Bruce Almighty", LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE (to you all)...(That is one of my VERY favorite movies... maybe a little sac-religious (sp?), but PHENOMENOL message..."Be the miracle". Maybe it is from Jim Carrey's movie, "Liar, Liar"...Oh well, that is an awesome movie too. We like Jim Carrey movies for the most part.

Ok, I am rambling now. I am going to bed. Good night all.

1 comment:

Tom & Angie said...

Please don't try to lose weight for me! :-) I hear your pain 2 weeks of effort with no loss.. sucks! And then 1 day of cheating... oh yeah you gain 3 lbs! That really sucks, that is why I totally have given up on the weight loss game... I am just doing yoga because I love it and it helps my sanity.

Hey and way to go for the 5K... you know that is only 3 miles don't you? LOL, just teasing :-) Tom and I WALK a 5K race here in the tri-cities it is a fun race.