Monday, June 30, 2008

Da da da da!!! Superbuds!!!

Hey Superstar here with word on some of my best buds! Well, all of my best buds, actually, but still.
There's Natalie, or Nat, Nattie, or Nate, as i sometimes call her. She is a year older than me but I love her anyway. She is an actress and singer like me and she sings everywhere, all the time, no matter how many onlookers there may be. She can NOT and I repeat NOT have caffiene or it will have a "Hammy Effect" as I like to call it. In other words, she will basically be so hyper that to her, the whole world stopped moving.
There's also Alex, who, basically is the freak with all the wierd nicknames. But, again, I love her anyways. She texts me ALL THE TIME!!! I love it but some people in my family might find it annoying. I basically live on my cell phone and I've only had it for, like, a month!
Here's another one of my texting buddies. Megan. She had blonde, curly hair but dyed it red!! She and I are going to a charter school next year instead of the same school my other friends are gonna go to. Stupid parents! They got me to go by bribing me with a cell phone!
That's my best friends for ya!! I'll be back later with a movie review or something. SEE YA!!!!!!!!

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