Friday, June 27, 2008

You Know Me...First...and Maybe Last...Post...Hee hee...

I'm not nearly as witty as Loggrad98 (aka Chad)...especially at 12:30 am...and I really want to go to bed so I can hit the YARD SALES first thing in the morning! Yippee! I LOVE yard sale season! Nonetheless, here I am saying howdee!...hmmm...Ok, I got noth'n...Told ya I'm not witty...and I AM tired...Ok, ok, my life in a nutshell...'Up-and-at-um' bright and early' (Wish I could say first thing I did was exercise...I tried the 5 am exercise thing...WHATEVER!)...No, I sleep in until the last possible moment...My daycare parents probably get a little nervous leaving their babies with a WITCH-look-alike...(wink).

I do like my job. My favorite are the babies. Gosh, I just love'um! The little ones are loving, trusting, cute, and fun...while the older ones are just bossy and demanding...No, they aren't that bad...but I definitely enjoy the little ones best. In fact, next year I will not be taking school age children at all. I did enjoy this past year, but putting several children in and out of car seats several times a day gets quite tedious, not to mention, it is not very fun for them either.

(Chad made the logo in CorelDRAW....he amazes me sometimes, but most of the time he is just a big pain in the butt (J/K sweetie...muah), oh, and that is Annie in the middle =)

Time for a HUGE celebration! As of today, I am the proud (and very relieved) parent of NO MORE KINDERGARDNERS! Kindergarden is a hard year...You drop the older ones off, go home to clean up breakfast and fix lunch, take the kindergardner to school, go home to play with and read to the babies and toddlers and then, very gratefully, put them down for a brief nap...just to have to wake them up (big sigh) and go pick kids up from school...

More...I REALLY admire all of you amazing moms out there who work outside your home and somehow, still manage to have the energy to cook and clean for your family and fit in a work out each day. Man, in my pre-full-time job days, I really thought I was all that getting the kids off to school and then hitting the gym for a two-hour workout five days a week. Now, I can see that I am just a GREAT BIG WUSS! Here are a few of my excuses..."I'm too tired! I don't have time! The evenings are just too busy with homework, dinner, dishes, and bathes! I never get to relax!"...and so on... But I am truly ready to get my Kaboose back in gear!

I joined Weight Watchers in June 2005. I lost 65 pounds and became a lifetime member in June 2006. I put 20 pounds back on in 2007. And I am trying with all my might to get that 20 pounds back off in 2008. I think I will create a Label entitled Weight Loss Progress to let you all know how I am doing and what I am doing to get my body in shape. Maybe that will motivate me to keep on track. And if any of you have any tips or delicious low-cal recipes, etc., please respond on my blog.

Well, I do what I can...and then collapse into bed each night...much later than I planned...Se-la-vi...(Is that how you spell that?). All-in-all, life is good...BUSY, definitely busy...but good.

1 comment:

Tom & Angie said...

Hi Sweet Sis~

I love your post... it is very fun. You are an awesome childcare provider, mother, wife, sister, friend... wow, that makes me feel bad about myself! LOL JK :-)

Love ya girly girl, keep up the good work... I don't know how you do it!

Love, Hugs & Mushy Stuff, Ang