Saturday, August 2, 2008

Vacation Part 1: The Wedding

In another post I said we would get some photos of our recent summer vacation on the web. Well, things got away from me and I never did post more photos, but now the wife and kids are out of town (HALLELUJ....cough cough...umm..I mean...gosh, I sure do miss them just to death - whew..nice save Chad..heh heh)


Here are the long awaited photos. I am sure that droves and droves of you, our loyal readers (all 3 of you) were checking back daily to find out what we did on our trip. Well, here ya go:

First off, Jordan and Emily went to work with me the day we left.

Here are Jordan and Emily pretending to be useful.

In all fairness, they actually did some Jordan was working on a spreadsheet...Emily was working on her Nintendo DS...hard work to be sure!

We went to Reno to start out because one of my best friends, Chris Palmrose (here in front) was getting married and asked me to be his Best Man (for whatever reason, I think he may have been drunk =).

(above, from left to right: Tim, Phil, Chad, Dennis I think...can't remember... I am just terrible, Kenny, and Chris)

The kids squinting.

Mom and dad.

Beauty and the beast.

Jordan just heard about the cake! Boy is he excited...

Excited? Not so much..

As you can see, Glynna was very excited to dance, especially since as Best Man I had no choice. You can also see that I am good at faking that I am enjoying it.

Quality father-son time.

Coming soon...part 2...


Tom & Angie said...

Great photos Chad! Thanks for posting them! You and Glynna look so beautiful together... Beauty and the Beast HA! Not so much!! You are a very handsom guy! However the photo of your dad! Now that is funny!

Thanks again for posting dude! Oh by the by... please tell Emily that Jiliann loves Twilight and finished it in two days! Lets just say she didn't get much else done!!! Much to her mothers chagrin!!!!

Superstar said...

Tell her I said nice job! Oh and welcome to the club. And for you, Welcome to my mom's club. You know, about the chagrin. heh heh. um . . . yeah.