Thursday, August 21, 2008

School-most kids cringe at the word.

Yup. It's that time again. The one all kids dread. The time that ends our summer. The time everyone anticipates and hates at the exact same time. The time that requires extra shopping, that includes, but is not limited to, new clothes, new shoes, school supplies, backpacks, etc. The time that, well I assume you know what i mean by now. But, just for you less fast people, I'll add one more. MY MOST HATED TIME OF YEAR!!! Well, I'll start off by saying, I'm going to a new school. Again. My third new school in TWO YEARS! Yeah, it's that bad. Well, surprizingly, this new school isn't new because I moved. This one is because my parents wanted to get my younger siblings out of their old school because of events too elaborate for me to get into right now. So because of my younger sibs elaborate events, I have to go to a charter school. Yeah, the kind where you have to wear UNIFORMS!!! They aren't that tacky, but they do tend to hide my recently acquired prep style. I guess to some they can be a good thing because no one can tease you or be mean because of what you're wearing cause you're wearing the same thing. But then again, everyone has their own style and the charter scool doesn't allow that style to be shown. One plus is that we get to go do extra curricular stuff at my old school, NDJ (North Davis Jr. High). So I will be doing the after school program, Program CARE. Of course the only class I'll be doing is Dinner Theater, which, (duh!) is acting and singing and dancing. So, in conclusion, break out the wallets and get your shopping over with cause you've got three days and counting till the dreaded day! (for kids anyway. I'm sure parents have a party while their kids are at school) Have a good last three days of summer!


Superstar said...

What?!!?!!? Still no comments? GOSH!!! What is you guys' PROBLEM?!!?!!?!!? Doesn't anybody love me anymore? Sniff. Sniff sniff. Sniff.

LogGrad98 said...

Recently acquired prep style...loved that comment. Laughed right out loud, did I. In fact I feel a fit of laughter coming on now. Bu-WAH HAH HAH HAH!! Whew, that was great.

Superstar said...
